From age 60, aging human body, some organs of the body are constantly disease, tooth loss is one of them. According to the data shows that China's average of 60 people over the age of about 10 missing teeth, denture, but only 50% of people. Some old people that do not set out a few teeth inlaid little to; also for the elderly that, out of a set one too much trouble, as other out almost the same again with the inlay. As everyone knows, this will directly affect their health.
People rely mainly on the alveolar bone of teeth fixed to maintain its strong roots level, when the alveolar bone loss or inflammation, the alveolar bone will atrophy, causing gums to reduce, and eventually lead to tooth loss.
If the denture is not timely, first of all, before and after the Dental Instruments two teeth of the crown tilted to the edentulous space, resulting in catchy small, bottom width, to create difficulties for the future of the denture; also widened the teeth, food impaction during easy , leading to dental caries. Second, with teeth missing teeth relative to the elongation of the gap of missing teeth, resulting in the Ministry of root exposure, affect the firm level. Third, if the tooth is missing, can not be chewed food, will increase the burden on the stomach, affecting the digestion and absorption. Fourth, after tooth loss, alveolar bone gradually absorbed, can cause muscle atrophy, drooping mouth, even more old people. Finally, do not timely denture, but also increase the burden of retained teeth, and occlusion of the disorder, leading to bilateral or unilateral temporomandibular joint pain and disorders.