Periapical disease causes and symptoms:
Periapical tissue is inflammation. Because many secondary diseases caused by dental pulp.
In addition, traumatic birth or too deep can cause periodontal pocket. Generally divided into acute clinical periapical and chronic apical two categories:
Acute apical periodontitis: mostly dead tooth pulp tooth, discoloration, no feeling of thermal stimulation. With persistent dull pain, and there was knocking pain. Clench when the initial comfort, getting the chewing pain, loose teeth are floating feeling. When the acute stage of disease development to alveolar abscess, the pain and swelling worse. Submandibular lymph node Dental Instruments enlargement and tenderness. Symptoms may have fever, according to dental X-ray shows apical bone destruction.
Chronic apical periodontitis: the teeth are mostly dead dental pulp, usually no symptoms. However, in the corresponding Paste in the gums or mucous fistula on the granuloma irresolute hazy history, examination showed septic overflow. Chronic apical periodontitis can be transformed into acute attack of acute periapical inflammation. In contrast, the addition of chronic periapical inflammation due to acute periapical transformed from.
Periapical disease treatment:
Acute periapical inflammation should be controlled, should also be condemned to open drainage. Oral anti-inflammatory drugs or injections of penicillin and other antibiotics. Tooth abscess formation in the legs need to be mucous membrane incision and drainage.
While for chronic apical root canal therapy, root resection, disease control by surgery, grinding tune bite intestine and so on. Paste in the treatment ineffective or no conservation value, may be removed.