Tuesday, 4 September 2012

What care orthodontic needs to be done?

Orthodontics postoperative care is very important, do not be careless. Postoperative care can further consolidate the effects of surgery; can also play a role in the finishing touch. Well, you know Orthodontics what are the points in the post-operative care?

First. The fifty-six hours after surgery can be water, juice, milk and other liquids.

Second. The most serious swelling twenty-three days after surgery, and disappeared after two weeks. The exact surgical results after two or three months will be displayed.

Third. A few days ago after the surgery is best to eat only liquid food items such as soup, porridge, and then transition to a semi-liquid soft food.

Fourth. Need to take antibiotics to dental instruments prevent inflammation, less than a week after surgery.

Fifth. Less than a week after the surgery best cold, to continue after fomentation as well. Do not lie, often sit or walk around a little as well.

Sixth. Due to surgery in the mouth, immediately rinse your mouth with water and then gargle mouthwash after eating, to be kept clean at all times. Do not drink alcohol and How to care for good baby permanent teeth smoking; this would be very detrimental to their recovery.

Seventh. After successful surgery, remember to develop normal eating habits, and habits, so that may be more long-term maintenance of effect of surgery.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

How to make naughty children with treatment?

As we all know, is the most troublesome in contact with pediatric patients, behaved with special here do not have representation, and powerful, but very troublesome to someone who resentment. Our clinical work, how to eliminate their negative emotions?

First of all, we have to understand why they have to fear, in the conversation, do not suddenly cut to the chase, you can start with the topic they are interested in starting, such as the kids like to watch cartoons, playing toys through conversation can and they talk to dental instruments their class, such as their teachers and classmates. Often when we really like friends and talk to them, they are very happy and content, we have to pay attention to the tone of the conversation.

When they see you as one of us, as a buddy of childhood, in their heart of hearts you have accepted this time, we can slowly history, and pay attention to their facial expressions, and in general when it comes to bad treatment history will there are some slight pain expression. Understand the reasons, combined with his condition, told they do not deal with the consequences, and How to overcome tooth sensitivity at the same time can be given a proper commitment, but also to solve the problem of treatment with children feisty psychological, with the majority of these encouraging language can be treated very well, but the process is very long, be patient.

Encounter a small part indeed timid and stubborn child, after the above method still can not be effective, had to enforce smaller and bigger so that parents continue to persuasion and education, had to wait and wait until they stand the pain requested treatment. No matter to encounter what circumstances, none of us can be used abusive language and tone, as much as possible, do not give them a bad impression.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The relationship between the teeth and the disease

Sick teeth, not the other parts of your body, there are health risks? The experts pointed out that the addition will lead to bad breath, gingivitis, tooth decay, loose teeth and loss and other dental brushing is not complete, but also may be induced by the following seven diseases.

1. Physiological dysfunction
India found a new study involving 70 men, men more unhealthy teeth, the more severe erectile dysfunction (ED). They believe that dental problems will lead to reduce nitric oxide necessary for transporting oxygen in the blood, thus causing insufficient blood supply to the penis, resulting in ED.

2. Pregnancy difficulties
Australian researchers found that lead to dental bacteria can also cause inflammation of the wall of the uterus, resulting in pregnancy for at least two months later. Dental close relationship with preterm birth and abortion.

3. Bronchitis
A new study found that respiratory tract infections and dental association. History of bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, dental problems are more serious.

4. Arthritis
German researchers found that patients with rheumatoid joints chance to dental health by 8 times.

5. Alzheimer's disease
Dental problems will increase the risk of dementia. Columbia University researcher’s survey found that over 60 years old have dental problems or dental instruments tooth loss participants were more prone to memory problems.

6. Diabetes
Dental will increase type 2 diabetes, the disease. Analysis of the results of seven studies of the Edinburgh researchers found that treatment of dental, reduce gingivitis and help to Pale yellow teeth healthy reduce the risk of eye disease and other complications of diabetes.

7. Heart disease
Dental causes coronary heart disease risk is doubled. Scotland found a study involving 1,100 people, less than twice daily brushing will also increase the risk of heart disease.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

How long to wash your teeth is the most appropriate?

Only know that scaling is good for teeth, but not to wash your teeth can make teeth permanently maintain a healthy, but not often scaling, then, how long to wash your teeth the most appropriate it?

This problem is in fact scaling, not to say that the short time between your teeth cleaned can make the teeth stay healthy, not to say that the number the better scaling for six months to a year to wash the most appropriate, because by regularly cleaning teeth, not only can completely remove tartar, stains and can not clean to the site, and periodontal tissue to maintain a healthy, while scaling is also an effective means for the treatment of bleeding gums.

But scaling is not the more the better, the interval period should not be too short, six months to a year to wash once is enough, to dental instruments avoid damaging the teeth. Hissed between calculus was washed off, washing teeth will feel between the teeth is relatively large, but after teeth will slowly looks neat, to fill these slits.

If too frequent, and more than a self-adapt cycle teeth become large hissed. In addition, the use of ultrasonic vibration crushed tooth surface plaque, dental calculus, ultrasonic scaling law of the pigment contact drill hardness is very particular, a short period of time several times too What are the complications of implant denture roughing teeth, but will outweigh the benefits. But also in the formal Dental Hospital to scaling.

Friday, 24 August 2012

What is the relationship between pulpitis and periodontitis?

Pulpitis and periodontitis are two different nature of the disease, but the anatomical structure of the teeth decided they affect each other, reinforce each other. A narrow holes, called the apical foramen apical teeth, dental pulp, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic mainly by the apical foramen periodontal tissue contact. In addition, there are some channels, such as teeth and neck exposed dentinal tubules, vice root canal root above and lateral branch root canal and periodontal tissue.

When the teeth occur periodontitis, periodontal pocket bacteria and their toxins and inflammatory products through the apical foramen, the side vice root canal tooth neck exposed dentinal tubules invade the pulp tissue caused by pulpitis. Periodontitis arrived from the periodontal ligament to the pulpal vascular disruption and destruction, pulp necrosis due to nutritional disorders. Of periodontal atrophy as well as the formation of periodontal pockets to root exposed to the oral cavity, pulp more susceptible to dental instruments stimulation occurs pulpitis or pulp affect the occurrence of root caries.

When pulp inflammation, bacteria and toxins can also pipe along the apical foramen and lateral collateral canal and dentine affect periodontal tissue caused by the destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone absorption and formation of periodontitis. Root canal bacterial toxins and inflammatory products can also directly stimulate the periapical tissue inflammation, the purulent secretions towards the gingival sulcus row overflow, alveolar bone destruction, periodontal pocket formation, resulting in the so-called periodontitis. So, pulpitis can cause periodontitis; conversely, periodontitis can What steps do dental implants cause pulpitis.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

What is a dental root canal treatment?

Tooth root canal treatment commonly known is blocking teeth. Dental root canal treatment is a "save the tooth engineering. The dentist will teeth, pulp necrosis nerves, blood vessels withdrawn with a fine instrument, fill out and then filling the hollow pulp, and then, with fillings materials sealed it. Root canal treatment is a course of treatment for the teeth, dental pulp, and dental instruments apical lesions. Root canal therapy is appropriate disinfection by removing necrotic material within the root canal, root canal filling to remove the negative stimulus of the contents of the root canal apical surrounding tissue to prevent the occurrence of periapical lesions or promote periapical a lesion healing treatments.

Tooth root canal treatment aims to make the tooth no longer inflamed and the pain so that it can continue to play its proper function, such as cutting, grinding food What factors influence fixed denture retention, dental root canal treatment indications include: 1. Very deep cavities. 2. Periodontal disease affecting the tooth. 3. Pulp wearing teeth. 4. No teeth of Life. 5. Broken teeth. 6. Severe abrasion of teeth.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The advantages and disadvantages of the fixed partial denture


First. Fixed partial denture supported by enough to rely on real teeth, denture suffered bite force real teeth spread periodontal tissue the chewiness approximation wearing natural teeth.

Second. Fixed partial denture is small in size, so the recovery forms like the original missing teeth, wearing comfortable, and no foreign body sensation.

Third. Fixed denture stability in use, support, and stability in masticatory function the same bit, so chewing efficiency.

Fourth. Worn with a fixed partial denture, tongue dysfunction, not hinder pronunciation.


First. The patient can not pluck denture cleaning, so the design must ensure that the denture has good self-cleaning and cleaning easy mouth; otherwise, are prone to secondary caries or dental instruments periodontal disease.

Second. Production, more due to wear the incisors body tissue, the patient will have the discomfort. Therefore, require the patient with the various technical operations and can withstand the production process in the oral cavity.

Third. Difficult to remove after fixed denture cement, denture damage or changes in circumstances additional oral design is often to be removed after the redo.

Fourth. The higher cost of fixed partial denture.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Which type of dental implant materials is better?

The dental implant materials used in dental implant materials titanium, coated with titanium or titanium alloy substrate. The physical and chemical property of titanium is light, stainless steel and high strength, good processability with that. Wide range of applications of titanium in medical care such as artificial bones and joints, heart valves, cardiac pacemakers, dental implants, and so on.

Titanium dental implant materials with semiconductor; low modulus of elasticity similar to bone, can produce resonance; its good wear resistance, corrosion resistance, is formed on the surface oxide film, oxidation resistance at room temperature stability, air heated to dental instruments intense oxidation above 800 degrees; good biocompatibility, no side effects of non-toxic, non-magnetic, without stimulation, in vivo stability; wetting, and not attached to organic matter. Has a good application prospect.

Dental implant materials have a lot of corresponding price will be different; you can choose your own dental implant materials. But we must note: to How to prevent a rebound after orthodontic the regular medical facility for treatment, doctors skills, you have a perfect effect, but also the assurance of safety.

Friday, 17 August 2012

How to correct teeth gaps big trouble?

Tooth gap is very large impact of the daily diet, tooth gap food left in the tooth gap, rely on a toothpick to remove residue in the tooth gap, is neither good-looking and may not have removed a clean, how to correct teeth gaps of trouble?

Tooth gap large correction

The tooth gap is growing: teeth long-term impaction of food, food embedded in the tooth gap, compression of the gum tissue, can occur in the gingival papilla necrosis, thereby increasing the tooth gap. May also be caused by periodontitis alveolar bone resorption, resulting in loose teeth. It is easy to inflammation of the gingival papilla, once the inflammation, it is easy bleeding, each gingival papilla from inflammatory to anti-inflammatory process should be necrotic, each shedding is necessary to dental instruments reduce the height of the gingival papillae. Person's lifetime, the number of necrotic gingival papillae, gingival papilla little by little to reduce its height, will be increasing tooth gap.

Orthodontics is one of the better methods of Orthodontics is to arrange the disorder orthodontic neat, to improve the facial profile, with a beautiful smile. Orthodontics is by adjusting the tooth gap tooth rearrange the tooth space of this phenomenon is able to do well resolve. The orthodontic solve tooth space, not only do not harm the teeth, leaving no trace after the correction is indeed an excellent means to deal with the tooth gap.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

How to care for orthodontics?

1. Attention to oral hygiene, people need to wear active appliance or fixed appliance orthodontic process, so that is not conducive to the maintenance of oral hygiene. So people must pay attention to oral hygiene, cleaning, especially the fixed appliance, the appliance cementation can not remove brushing teeth, food debris around the appliance most likely to exist, if people do not pay attention to the cleaning of health, on will be likely to cause a large number of bacteria. Thereby affecting the orthodontic effect. Therefore, it is to cultivate the good habit of brushing teeth after meals and brushing time of not less than five minutes.

2. Diet, people in the process of orthodontic terms of diet is best to pay attention, try to avoid eating some excellent food, excellent food easily damaged parts of the appliance, make orthodontic treatment interruption, it is possible to extend the orthodontic treatment time. In addition, in order to dental instruments prevent tooth decay, it is best to eat some sweets.

3. Wear the retainer after the success of braces, is not so fine, also need to wear a retainer for some time, and also regular follow, so they can keep the effect of orthodontic, in order to avoid recurrence.

4. The process of regular follow, orthodontics need to What are the benefits of straightening teeth with braces constantly augmented, so as to move the teeth, in order to achieve the desired results.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Buck teeth corrected expensive?

Contact people around us, there is no lack of friends with buck teeth, buck teeth greatly affect the shape because buck teeth they live is not smooth, thus affecting the circle of life. Orthodontics can be very effective to improve buck teeth buck teeth, it correction expensive? On this issue, we have to consult the experts of the Dental Hospital to see if an expert is how to answer.

Buck teeth corrected expensive? Price for buck teeth correction, the doctor's explanation orthodontics Orthodontic program of the mouth of everyone to everyone, promotes personalized orthodontics. General factors affecting the price are as follows:

1. Orthodontic methods of teeth: orthodontic methods, the choice of different methods, the price is not the same at this stage, the most expensive orthodontic invisible orthodontic methods, and more applications is relatively invisible braces; invisible correction is a new three-dimensional computer technology, tailor-made a series of nearly undetectable transparent denture to dental instruments complete the entire orthodontic treatment. Meet the adult appearance of appliance, does not affect work, social

2. Correction of the length of time: orthodontics for adults than young people orthodontic time long, natural cheap price; if adult orthodontics, and to bring at least 2023 crowns, general orthodontics price is relatively high, depending on the situation may be!

3. Oral conditions: this is another factor to affect the correction of progress, many patients because there is a serious oral problems, it is bound to How to do early childhood tooth decay accept oral appliances before oral problems to solve.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Those suitable for root canal treatment?

Suitable for root canal treatment are the following:

1. Including dental caries, cracked, crown fracture, deformity central tip, excessive wear, periodontal disease retrograde infection, an accident caused by dental pulp pulpitis and pulp necrosis can not keep living marrow.

2. Causes of physical and chemical pulp apical infection, such as filling the bottom of the poor temperature caused by the pulp stimulus, different metals, electrical stimulation, and dental instruments drug-induced apical endodontic treatment process go far.

3. Including pulpitis continue to develop, the mummified the plasticized treatment failure, periodontitis retrograde infection caused by the periapical lesion.

4. The pulp of the unknown causes of degenerative change in the absorption, such as root canals and How long is the typical lifespan of porcelain teeth pulp stone caused by the pathological changes of pulp.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

The elderly in a timely manner fillings better health

Dental caries and periodontal disease is the main reason for the elderly with missing teeth. Elderly missing teeth fillings not only impede the eating, is not conducive to health longevity, hazardous to health.

When more missing teeth, can significantly affect the masticatory function of the elderly. Eat into the digestion of food depends mainly on the gastrointestinal burden. Missing teeth and more elderly people, the lack of chewing ability, loss of delicious food to enjoy and taste the fun. Chewing ability was significantly diminished and had to emphasis to eat softer foods, thereby reducing the number of fresh vegetables and fruits to eat are prone to inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals. Daily dietary fiber intake reduced, older people make secret.

Chewing food can stimulate the salivary glands, increase appetite. Excessive tooth loss and daily diet to softer, which is one of the reasons for loss of appetite in the elderly. The elderly too many missing teeth also affect the pronunciation of the language, which require the change of tongue movement and jaw position to dental instruments assist the speech pronunciation.

In addition, not timely teeth, missing teeth at both sides of the teeth, the course of time will tilt to the void spaces of missing teeth, leading to malocclusion of the upper and lower teeth. Side of the teeth to chew, will add to the burden of this side of the temporomandibular joint, and over time can cause temporomandibular joint disorder, in front of the ear pain when chewing and snapping.

What circumstances can not do dental implants?

The dental implant is the best restorations in edentulous patients, but not everyone is suitable for dental implant, dental implant can not do under what circumstances?

1. Suffering from chronic wasting diseases such as tuberculosis, diabetes, hemophilia, blood disease, in patients with advanced tumors, or patients undergoing radiation therapy.

2. Suffering from mental illness, unstable psychological quality.

3. Suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease, hemiplegic, cerebral vascular disease, can not afford the infirm of the alveolar surgery.

4. Drug addiction, alcoholism, serious mentally debilitating, physical.

Implant Surgery Contraindications Relative contraindications and absolute contraindications, and repair of dental implant for patients with reversible disease, can still be dental instruments controlled by treatment or cure.

Dental implant since the invention of the sixties, the technology is already very mature, and therefore a very high success rate and durability, according to the study of the Swedish scholar, thousands of artificial implant patients, under normal use, after 20 to Thirty years later, only a handful of people need to disconnect the small number of implants is a very reliable treatment of missing teeth. The dental implant is very similar to natural teeth, so do oral hygiene and How long will it take time to do orthodontics regular inspection, dental implants will be able to accompany you through the long process of life.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

You will identify the quality of porcelain teeth?

Inlaid porcelain teeth for many people, more and stranger, not to mention the price high and low ranges, species are vastly different. Most people are listening to a doctor or an acquaintance introduced to treat, much less identify the porcelain teeth are good or bad. In order to let the more porcelain teeth customers understand the porcelain teeth, oral porcelain dental experts teach you the recipe, identification of superiority and inferiority of porcelain teeth.

To see the edge of the porcelain teeth

The accuracy of the edge of the porcelain teeth, to identify the merits of porcelain teeth most fundamental and important a criterion, is also a more problematic. Accuracy reflected in the joints between the ceramic crowns and teeth, gaps as small as possible, otherwise the bacteria into lead the caries of the teeth within the fracture, resulting in repair failure. The gap in the gum below, usually in patients with neglect. This gap will accompany the porcelain teeth for life, and to determine the fate of the natural teeth. This is also the key to test the doctor technical level, the technical content of the highest place, every step of the treatment process to dental instruments affect the accuracy of porcelain teeth.

Look at the porcelain teeth color

Porcelain crown color and soft, not the whiter the better. In order to cover the crown color of the metal, there must be a certain thickness of the ceramic layer. Often porcelain thicker, the better the aesthetic effect. Clinical lack of teeth to prepare, it is easy to porcelain teeth were chalky or dull, hypertrophy. But in pursuit of the aesthetic effect, teeth grinding caused by the exposure of the tooth nerve in addition to excessive and easy, at the same time the possibility of breakage increased. It is necessary to Why is the dental implant to repair teeth the best grasp the precise tooth preparation techniques, both to ensure adequate porcelain thickness does not damage the tooth nerve.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

What are the hazards of buckteeth?

Buck teeth is dental anomalies, showing of teeth before the sudden, gums exposed to excessive smiling, buck teeth not only affect a person's appearance, but also affect a person's oral and physical health.

First. Baoya local dangers:

1. Affect craniofacial development: the process of child growth and development, buck teeth will affect the maxillofacial hard and soft tissues of normal development. Jaw not treated under the arch to limit the development of the premaxillary, while the lower jaw there is no coordination between the upper and lower dental arch and over-forward development, so the formation of the 1/3 of the face of depression and jaw protrusion deformities such as anterior crossbite With the Malocclusion serious face showing the crescent shaped face.

2. Affect the oral health: buck teeth difficult to self-cleaning of dental caries and dental instruments gum periodontal disease, often due to tooth dislocation caused by periodontal damage.

3. Oral function: serious Baoya can affect the normal oral function, such as anterior open jaw cause pronunciation disorder, severe jaw shrinkage normal breathing.

4. Facial appearance: buck teeth Malocclusion can affect facial appearance, can present open-lip grin, bimaxillary protrusion, on the chin or short chin deformity.

Second. Baoya systemic harm: buck teeth not only harm caused the edentulous craniofacial the local and systemic harm caused as a result of chewing function to Blind whitening teeth bad teeth reduce indigestion and gastrointestinal disease, In addition, because facial deformity for the patient can cause serious psychological and mental disorders.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The harm caused by improper tooth whitening methods

Tooth whitening is becoming increasingly popular, there have been many dental clinics and surgery hospital, and many people do not understand the teeth whitening teeth whitening, which are prone to improper methods of teeth whitening, which is the possibility of the reasons for patients with rotten tooth doctor tooth whitening.

1. Improper tooth whitening most likely to cause sensitive teeth: according to foreign statistics teeth sensitive symptoms crowd was more. Although there is no research to prove that whitening teeth will dentine to cause any harm, excessive tooth whitening can easily lead to sensitive teeth, or sensitive problems aggravate. Some people may be two or three days will be slowly recovering, but there may be increasingly sensitive to feel more uncomfortable for some to stimulate.

2. Improper easy teeth whitening damage the enamel: Now, some whitening strips are very popular, but it is only a temporary dental cosmetics. Some people born with hypoplastic enamel, but they are not aware of. Plays a role to protect the internal dentin, tooth enamel surface, so these people after using whitening strips, tooth paste ingredients may undermine the enamel dental instruments on the tooth surface damage. The whitening strips is not everyone applies especially dental disease.

(1). Enamel plays the role of protecting the internal dentin, but the enamel of some people are born hypoplasia, and not aware of using whitening strips, tooth paste acidic ingredients may damage the enamel on the tooth surface damage. If the dental health of people over time, self-healing function.

(2). Periodontal atrophy symptoms with teeth whitening paste will make the gums are stimulated, causing the tooth nerve pain, tooth sensitivity caused by pulpitis, it is difficult to restore.

3. Attention to the children under the age of 14 must not do teeth whitening: According to the American Dental Association study, children under 14 must not do teeth whitening. If ordinary people want to Do dental implants can smoke carry out tooth whitening, must comply with the symptoms of tooth whitening methods, generally of minors is not suitable for tooth whitening.

Monday, 30 July 2012

What are the factors and the life of porcelain teeth?

Porcelain teeth, was not always able to guarantee intact. Therefore, the life of porcelain teeth is limited. So what are the factors and the life of porcelain teeth is directly linked to? Next, from the following article to learn under the bar.

1. The life of porcelain teeth and materials

Different materials of porcelain teeth, porcelain teeth life is not the same. Such as all-ceramic dental service life is longer than dental instruments the precious metal ceramic teeth.

2. The life of porcelain teeth and oral care

After installing porcelain teeth in their daily eating should be avoided directly chew excellent food, such as walnuts, crabs, porcelain teeth, patients avoid long-term melon seeds. Patients with porcelain teeth need to pay attention to good oral hygiene, such as morning and Wisdom teeth are pulled out or pull good evening, brush your teeth, use mouthwash. In addition, regular follow, so that the doctor examined the use of porcelain teeth, is also very important.

Friday, 27 July 2012

How the treatment of minor buck teeth?

Adults with mild buck teeth buck teeth corrected by orthodontic way through the beauty crown buck teeth corrected.

Oral 3M invisible orthodontics is now very popular in the orthodontic. Highlight the advantages of 3M invisible correction: abandon the traditional leap of faith, removed from the arch wire ligation to produce pain and discomfort, comfortable and relaxing, fine imported polymer materials, wire and bracket in the traditional treatment process does not affect the appearance, so that you unknowingly orthodontics.

By computer 3D design personalized appliance, fully consistent with the patients the oral environment, thus greatly reducing the frictional resistance between the bracket arch wire, the more easily aligned teeth and extraction spaces were closed, so that the treatment significantly reduced, you can shorten the course of six months or more. Design the whole program of straightening teeth by a net importer of panoramic machine scan, entirely in accordance with the actual situation of the patients. The whole process of straightening teeth to achieve zero errors, and dental instruments reduce unnecessary injury, to enhance the chance of straightening teeth accurately than conventional straightening teeth effectively shorten the time of straightening teeth over 6.

3M braces are a global orthodontic technological innovation and R & D leader. Revolutionary 3M is a quick, self-locking braces bonded system more efficient, completely hidden in the sight of others, be able to do 100% customization to How to choose a dental implant meet each patient's unique corrective prescription, use it means that will shorten your treatment time.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Planting teeth missing teeth easy to aging for a long time

1. From the appearance point of view, if the missing front teeth, the maxillofacial anatomy of the integrity and appearance of faces have been broken ring, giving the impression that does not look good appearance, talking to air leakage, giving the old-fashioned "feeling.

2. From a health perspective, if the missing posterior teeth, missing teeth, chewing, swallowing, language, facial expressions and other physiological functions will be subject to varying degrees.

Influence people's chewing function after tooth loss, is rich in nutrients, low intake of fiber-rich foods and vegetables, and can lead to decreased serum biochemical indicators; young patients or the elderly, long-term periodontal unhealthy dental instruments and missing teeth memory loss, diabetes, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease and stroke related.

3. Long missing teeth due to chewing function to reduce a lot of things patients can not eat, digestive function and psychological will be affected, especially in limiting the scope of the diet, not a wide variety of nutritional food intake.

This shows that long-term missing teeth Of different ages in different ways to protect teeth and a great harm to the body; lead to chewing restricted, will inevitably affect our digestion and absorption, thus speeding up the rate of aging.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

What is the reason for the failure and repair of porcelain teeth?

More and more friend’s reaction fitted with porcelain teeth quite nice, but after not long appeared loose teeth, teeth become sensitive or bad breath and bad, affect your chewing function and oral hygiene. The failure of porcelain teeth is what causes it?

Porcelain teeth and gums edge of the bridge the bad

Bridging the poor will lead to bacteria and food debris to enter the gap caused by the inflammation of the gums, causing gum swelling bleeding; even a long time will lead to the occurrence of periodontal disease, resulting in loose teeth off. Even cause corrosion of the teeth, the formation of marginal caries, even lead to pulpitis and dental instruments tooth fracture teeth due to caries.

Porcelain teeth design is unreasonable

Unreasonable design can cause tooth fracture, porcelain collapse porcelain, teeth loose, and fall off a series of problems.

Porcelain teeth incorrect material selection

If you choose to poor biocompatibility of ceramic dental materials, will the surrounding tissue to What is the anterior open together will bring adverse stimuli, allergies, corrosion, metal ion exudation phenomenon, which may result in gingivitis, periodontitis, the black line of the gingival margin, mouth odor and so on.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Dental implants to improve the principle of missing teeth

Oral Implantology, also called dental implant, planted the teeth, dental implants, dental implant, referred to as dental implant. The dental implant is not to plant crops, the kinds of seeds to grow teeth, the permanent teeth long Qi will not be long out a little one. Commonly used in dental implant surgery, the titanium nail implanted in the jaw, the implant until 3-6 months after implant and jaw rejection and a solid combination, and then installs a top of the implants crown to become a dental implant. Excellent dental implant chewing function, known as following the deciduous teeth, permanent teeth, the third deputy of human teeth.

The experts pointed out that the best way is to use dental implant surgery to improve dental implant is the placement of a denture, however, can help to dental instruments restore chewing function, but also to prevent other teeth unhealthy phenomenon.

The dental implant technology is the new projects undertaken in recent years on the oral healing science treatment. The dental implant is the planting material implants within the alveolar bone, on the dentures of a denture repair method. For some reason, not routine dental patients, this method is for them to bring hope to restore chewing function. Dental Implant strict indications, not any of the conditions to do the dental implant must be carried out after a doctor diagnosed, depending on the location of missing teeth, alveolar bone, the health status. Missing teeth have come to expect the denture to The psychological state of complete denture patients function like real teeth, but the scope of application of the fixed partial dentures more by the objective constraints because of the removable partial denture can not fully restore chewing efficiency, affect pronunciation, and foreign body sensation and difficult and patient satisfaction.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Which porcelain teeth live longer?

In general, the life of porcelain teeth with a regular physician strict specifications, operation, design, production of porcelain teeth, worn in the mouth of the useful life.

The life of porcelain teeth

1. Cobalt chromium alloy porcelain teeth: Again, belonging to the non-precious metal porcelain, cobalt-chromium alloy dental porcelain and Ni-Cr alloy porcelain teeth there are obvious advantages, it is the biocompatibility relatively better, thus avoiding the crowns and gums between the color changes. Cobalt-chromium alloy porcelain teeth is a very broad, it is easy to accept. The life of cobalt-chromium alloy porcelain teeth is not the longest life expectancy in the precious metal porcelain teeth.

2. Precious ceramic: it is usually by the gold platinum alloy, which is about 87% of the content of gold and platinum, as well as other elements of the alloy to do within the crown. Precious metals and human compatibility is very good chemical stability, and less susceptible to oxidation and decomposition, and so does not irritate the gums, the body does not produce adverse reactions, will not cause gum discoloration. Precious ceramic strength is higher than the dental instruments ceramic materials in general, and the binding force of the ceramic powder is also strong, not easy to take off the porcelain dental restorations, more physiological functions, life is also longer than other porcelain.

3. Porcelain teeth: only in recent years to carry out a high-tech dental. In the treatment of teeth a crown, the crown is a layer of porcelain transparent support skeleton, and then baked on the outer crown surface layer and the natural tooth color similar to the ceramic powder, the last bond Buck teeth using invisible braces the advantages in the teeth on. All porcelain teeth is the most perfect tooth colored restorations, all-ceramic tooth with a high strength and toughness, all-ceramic dental life and precious metals, porcelain teeth comparable.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Tooth loss how to do dental implant restoration?

Individual missing teeth to repair, when the individual missing teeth or denture, chewing efficiency decreases and even loss of the decrease in saliva secretion, slowing down of the stomach and intestines. Yet does not chew on food into the stomach, digestive system's workload grows heavier, not only affects the absorption of nutrients, but also serious digestive system disease. Therefore, the individual tooth loss how repair.

Individual tooth loss is generally used in the dental implant restoration, the so-called kinds of dental medicine as people type of work dental implants, or calls the implant denture. Will be buried in the alveolar bone implant, there is no rejection, and then to the implant as the foundation on which to repair teeth. This may dispense with the general set dental care, to make a snap ring or dental instruments plastic prop, and set fixed teeth to cut the troubles of their own good teeth.

Dental implant, also known as implant denture, known as human vice teeth. It is divided into human jaw implant (root portion) and assumes the role of chewing part of the crown (porcelain crowns). Doctors according to the situation of patients with alveolar bone, the appropriate choice of dental implants implanted in the jaw, and then installed in its exposed mouth planting pile crowns, natural tooth form and function.

Tips for oral experts: Fix the individual tooth loss; dental implants are the natural first choice, the effect of dental implant naturally, without damage to What are the clinical symptoms of acute pulpitis adjacent teeth, and no foreign body sensation, no damage to restore chewing texture and many other advantages, so many missing teeth in droves. After years of development, dental implants have become one of a mature oral rehabilitation treatment.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Light-cured resin fillings

Tooth decay in black, broken, not only feels discomfort, also affect the appearance, need fillings. That is used in light curing dental light-cured composite resin dental materials now used in most light-cured composite resin fillings technology.

Light-cured composite resin filling material is a polymer by the resin matrix of quartz glass, ceramics, silica and other inorganic fillers, also joined the barium, lanthanum, and other materials can play the X-ray rationality, to facilitate the examination of dental restorations.

Healthy teeth are the hardest tissue in the body, when tooth decay in local tissue will become soft coloring and the formation of cavities, a large number of carious tissues and bacteria.

Light-cured composite resin come out, have to admit is the dental materials in the history of a breakthrough. The biggest feature of the composite resin is a beautiful color, in coordination with the natural tooth color, good chemical stability, and dental instruments do not dissolve in the saliva. It was born, for dentists and patients to accept.

With the continuous development of dental materials, light-cured composite resin has been greatly improved through continuous improvement of its physical properties. At present, the color of composite resins from the original 1-2 color development to dozens of colors; and Several factors affect the price of teeth whitening variety, fill the anterior teeth composite resin, composite resin posterior teeth, posterior composite resin . Teeth restored completely deceptive, professional dentist carefully identify, it is difficult to see what is mend. So light-cured composite resin filling material is the best dental materials.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Which method is a non-metallic porcelain tooth?

Porcelain teeth is also a wide range of indications, is currently the best quality of dentition defects. Porcelain teeth is one of the best method of reconstruction of oral and dental problems, cosmetic and dental porcelain dental restoration for anterior teeth more defects, dental treatment to repair, set complex of missing teeth, correction of dental abnormalities and dental Beauty and so can be used porcelain teeth. So, non-metallic porcelain teeth varieties?

Non-precious metal porcelain teeth:

1. Ni-Cr alloy porcelain teeth: the metal-ceramic basement, poor biocompatibility, some people allergic phenomenon, the slow release of nickel, beryllium, will cause discoloration of gums and oral toxicity, affect human health. In developed countries is dental instruments disabled, the advantage of low prices.

2. Titanium and titanium porcelain teeth: Titanium has excellent biocompatibility, toxic to humans, and has good corrosion resistance, the development of better metallic materials, but due to the difficulty of the production process, further development of clinical applications to be further research, in general prices.

3. Cobalt-chromium metal ceramic teeth: physical properties, due to the nickel-free elements, biocompatibility greatly improve the probability that How much is the dental implant cause gum discoloration also reduced, to the German the BEGO Company’s cobalt chromium alloy is the most ideal, is not very high in patients with repair the effect can still be zetadental.com. You can select the help of a doctor, according to their actual situation of the type of porcelain teeth repair.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

What are the factors related to dental implant prices?

Oral experts, tooth whitening methods are many, such as teeth bleaching using tooth paste whitening, whitening and other teeth whitening methods are different and have different effects, of course, price is not the same, but the price of teeth whitening will not very expensive, because it is a very common phenomenon, is already an ordinary person can accept the.

Dental Implant Expert: For the same place, same hospital, the doctor in determining a factor, doctor of technical standards, but also decided to dental implant prices. The dental implant experts uneven, leading to a dental implant prices vary.

Individual differences affect whitening teeth Price: Whitening teeth prices are also individual differences, change in the price of treatment with the differences in the extent of tooth colored. But not every beauty pigmentation at different times, different levels of natural price are very different.

Dental implant brands: the brand is the factors that affect the price of dental implants, but also the most important factor affecting dental instruments prices, we have usually seen the brand of dental implant can be manifold, such as the Nobel implant system, the United States 3i Implant System Korea DIO implant system, different brands, there are obvious differences in dental implant prices.

The dental implant post-operative care: care Live marrow vertical root fracture diagnosis and treatment and sometimes also be seen as an aspect to consider, some care is free, but extra care is not free. There are different prices for different services, and some very cheap prices, such as regular film dental film, some services more expensive, such as scaling, etc., and these sometimes is a dental implant price factors.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Tooth cause dizziness and fundus pain

In the tooth the same day, his right side of the tooth has four loose, the left side also has a lower teeth slightly loose traces, doctors observed the situation of the teeth, it is recommended that the removal of the left side of a. Signing fee immediately after tooth extraction. Patients in the process of waiting for the anesthetic failure fainted in the corridor of the dental clinic, hospital rescue measures, such as patients regained consciousness, found with the extraction of the ipsilateral retinal pain, Central Hospital came to an eye specialist consultation in private and family members of patients communication, said dental peripheral nerve, the trigeminal nerve, and connected to the brain and eye, eye pain symptoms after tooth extraction, I am afraid tooth injury to the nerve connected with the eye. At present, patients stay in the emergency observation room for further observation.
Patients to the hospital the morning of the 5th tooth extraction has been observed a number of teeth loose, because the patient's mental state is tight, only a removal of the patients. As for the patients after tooth extraction, syncope, the phenomenon of eye pain, the doctor guess may be because the day before the rest, caused by poor diet. Eye pain Ophthalmology and dental instruments physician consultation, the hospital found no abnormalities. The patient is also the hospital for further observation.
Very loose teeth do not need film. Before in patients with tooth extraction, the doctor to do a detailed inquiry, such as the patient's medical history, whether there is hypertension, cardiovascular disease, if patients have a history of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, requiring special attention, in the normal blood pressure, The best ECG extraction. Doctors and patients communicate confessed after the consent is signed by the patient book. After the anesthetic, tooth extraction and after extraction processing. Under normal circumstances, the patient will not be any reaction as dizziness, eye pain, tooth extraction is generally the day to complete that is to do and go.
Tooth hurt the eye nerve, facial nerve, the trigeminal nerve and coulometer nerve is the central nervous system and eye teeth extraction stimulate these nerve fundus pain and other symptoms may appear, the pain may be more involved due, but extraction is generally no effect on the optic nerve, it will not damage eyesight.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The gospel of the patients with missing teeth - dental implant technology

With the improvement of living standards, the requirements for the United States is increasingly high, especially the teeth, but there is always a lot of accidents so that our teeth, battered, missing teeth, loose, broken teeth and other problems, so we have no way to reach would like to  the United States.

Dental implant specialist, dental implants will be ideal for patients with tooth loss because of the following points:

1. Helps prevent the absorption of alveolar bone.

2. No damage to adjacent teeth: porcelain bridge is the traditional repair method of tooth loss, but the need for healthy teeth, missing teeth at both sides of the mill small, a great pity; dental implant implants within the alveolar bone of the edentulous ridge at as a basis for repair missing teeth, does not involve adjacent teeth will not damage adjacent teeth.

3. Solid: connected to the implant and the alveolar bone by osseointegration, very strong, as much as the natural root, the same as real teeth rooted in the patient's mouth.

4. More scientific principle: the natural teeth chewing mouth pressure passed through the root to the alveolar bone, dental implant chewing pressure passed through the implant to the alveolar bone, the same biomechanical principles, it can withstand the powerful force, chewing efficiency than the traditional dentures increased significantly. Traditional Porcelain Bridge to dental instruments natural tooth paste fixed on both sides of the missing teeth gap grinding small retainer, and the use of natural teeth for support and delivery of chewing pressure, adding to the burden of natural teeth and the impact of its useful life.

5 Small comforts: small size, the structure of the denture base and clasp, no foreign body sensation in the mouth, is conducive to maintaining oral health, comfort, allowing you to Posterior teeth residual crown and core porcelain restoration forget the presence of dentures.

6. Indications wider: all the missing in the back of the mouth had no teeth or molar region, in the past can only be installed dentures, dentures in appearance, comfort, chewing function, are different, such as self-cleaning ability of man, through the implantation of the implant can make these patients receive a fixed partial denture.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Tooth paste only the surface of the article

Tooth paste is generally only as a temporary dental cosmetics like lipstick, usually before the banquet. We all know that white teeth do not mean healthy teeth.

Tooth paste may cause an allergic

The main principle of whitening strips, teeth bleaching, the lighter the color of yellow teeth, black teeth. Depigmenting agents which will stimulate the gingival margin nerves and blood vessels may cause allergy, such as sour, fear of cold and even infection. Frequently used, it will destroy the enamel structure, so that the tooth surface rough, and can occur in severe dentine hypersensitivity. Teeth "mask" is also not applicable for everyone. Such as severe periodontal disease, you must first dental cure after whitening. In addition, adolescents and pregnant women are more sensitive tooth structure, likely to cause discomfort, it is not recommended.

Whitening by dentist’s guidance

If you must use whitening strips, preferably prior consultation with the dentist. In addition, prior to use, be sure to read the manual to understand its ingredients, and may be caused by a variety of adverse reactions. Avoid use immediately after brushing tooth paste, and not more than the instructions on the required seven days of continuous use time.

If you really want to whiten teeth, experts recommend the best to go to regular hospitals. Stain caused by tea, dirt, smoke stains, etc., clean governance is a good choice. In addition to being able to clear the mouth of plaque, calculus, and to protect the oral health, but also to solve the mild discoloration of the teeth.

Endogenous formation of coloring in the process of tooth development, such as tetracycline, you can choose the porcelain teeth or porcelain veneers to the teeth to dental instruments wear white coats, but this technology on the high professional requirements.

The experts said: Whichever you choose, whitening programs, treatment should be under the guidance of the professional dentist.

Try to avoid smoking, a boycott of the coffee, tea, cola, so as to Preparation of porcelain crown gingival avoid the tooth surface "stain"; mouthwash after meals, in a timely manner to get rid of the bacteria and pigment may be attached. Adhere to at least morning and evening, brush your teeth twice a day; the proper use of dental floss; consult a professional dentist regularly every year to the clinic for scaling.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Preparatory work before and after extraction

Extraction to Note:

The night before the extraction should be noted that early rest, to ensure adequate sleep. Tooth the same day morning should eat breakfast, non-fasting, in order to avoid the collapse when the anesthetic is easy to cause. In addition, good oral cleanliness of coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other diseases should be taking the appropriate drugs can and dental instruments physical condition and relevant inspection data taken to the hospital for doctors.

After tooth extraction should pay attention to:

After tooth extraction in the hospital or clinic for a short break, such as adverse reactions may be prescribed by a doctor to go home and rest, avoid strenuous exercise and fatigue. Hemostatic gauze placed by the mouth, spit it within 30-45 minutes after tooth extraction, do not bite pressure it takes too long, causing a bad infection or clotting.

Two hours after the extraction you can eat, do not eat too hot too hard or spicy foods, appropriate warm and cool, thin and soft food. The best 1-2 days after tooth extraction, smoking, drinking. Tooth the same day do not brush our teeth to chew food, do not use the extraction side, do not lick and suck the wound or repeatedly spat, so as not to Maintain a stable peri-implant alveolar bone height affect wound healing.

Teeth, removal of the saliva of the day and the next day with a little bloodshot eye is normal without treatment. If the wound is significant bleeding, pain, swelling and other symptoms should go to hospital for check processing. If the tooth extraction wound suture, to the hospital for a week usually after tooth extraction and removal of stitches.

As long as you pay attention to the above matters to do self-care, tooth extraction wound healed.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Pregnant women have gingivitis or cause premature fetus

In real life, we can see that the number of pregnant women during pregnancy, some of the common oral diseases, such as: gingivitis, periodontal disease, tooth decay, tooth ache, etc., but these symptoms did not cause the attention of the mothers who, some people even ignore it. In fact, pregnancy oral hygiene is not only related to the health of pregnant women, but also related to the safety of her unborn child.

Pregnant women, estrogen and progesterone levels increased significantly, especially falconoid levels raise very high, make the gums vasodilator, increased vascular permeability, easily lead to swollen gums are likely to cause bleeding gums, which is called as "pregnancy gingivitis." Not to women suffering from gingivitis before pregnancy, the pregnancy rate and dental instruments the extent of the troubles "pregnancy gingivitis" low before pregnancy of women with gingivitis, inflammation will increase after pregnancy, the gums will appear hyperplasia, swelling , bleeding and severe impact of a meal, thus affecting pregnant women's nutrition absorption.

When pregnant women with gingivitis, bacteria can enter the bloodstream through the placenta and infect the fetus, resulting in the premature fetus and premature rupture of membranes. Premature fetuses due to the various systems is not yet mature the survival rate and quality of life significantly less than the full-term children. Premature rupture of membranes not only can induce premature labor, but also occurred to pregnant women to intrauterine infection and good basic nursing care is fundamental umbilical cord prolapsed. The occurrence of these conditions will increase the family burden, so that had a happy birth cast a shadow.

Therefore, during pregnancy, if periodontal disease should be promptly to the regular dental hospital for oral health and oral examination.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Four you abide by the rules to protect the teeth

1. Sour things and sweet things are harmful to the teeth.

Sugar not only will destroy the enemy of dental health, the lower pH of the sour food will soften the teeth, such as acid, sugar, soft drinks, fruit juice. As a result, incurred by the enamel layer of corrosion, smaller teeth. Citric acid is the most harmful to your teeth acid. So, every day you should be concerned with the acid corrosion of the teeth.

2. The enamel is the hardest substance in the body, but easy to break.

Ice, popcorn kernels pierced tongue and lips can cause teeth to rupture. With skin, teeth can not regenerate. Eat popcorn grain like to eat "stone", the ice is sharp and fragile, these foods may damage the tooth enamel, especially his mouth full of things you need to be carefully.

3. Too much fluoride is harmful to the teeth.

We know of fluoride on dental health is very important. But at 8 years old or less than 8 years old, the children's permanent teeth are in the developmental process; this time excessive intake of fluoride will make them suffer from fluorosis disease.

Unfortunately, fluorosis is intrinsic, which means that the dentist can not easily wipe the surface spots. In order to ensure that children do not swallow the toothpaste, parents must tell the children extrusion of toothpaste should not be dental instruments more than one pea size. Most cases of fluorosis and children excessive use of toothpaste.

4. Orthoses can cause tooth decay.

The braces around the food, bacteria and Advanced orthodontic treatment dentition status acid make tooth loss; the result is tooth becomes difficult to see.

In fact, the cavities formed in the appliance bay around. Although the rot does not fully formed cavities, but it can lead to the removal of mineralized, making the teeth appear spot. With the larger cavities of the spot will be black.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Fixed partial denture the patient's oral health care

The rugged, fixed partial denture wear-resistant, beautiful, comfortable, do not need to pick to wear characteristics, is easily accepted by the patients. However, due to health knowledge after the majority of patients with lack of repair, restoration may be secondary to inflammation of the mouth after the remaining teeth and periodontal tissue lesions, an excessive burden on the remaining teeth. So should the knowledge of educational and behavioral guidance, to extend the duration of use of the denture and to achieve the desired results after the repair.

One. Fixed partial denture hygiene instruction

In recent years, natural crude fiber food is dwindling, soft diet gradually increased due to the fixed bridge is a fixed prosthesis in the oral cavity, soft food in the natural surface of the teeth and denture fissure with the formation of soft dirt, hard to dental instruments remove tartar affect oral hygiene, so Zhu Huanzhe eating solid food, or with including fiber-rich foods or regular teeth cleaning.

In addition, we also necessary in the church of the patients after each repair, improve their awareness of oral health care. Maintaining good oral hygiene to ensure the denture wear, periodontal tissue health, to prevent the remaining teeth with caries and extend the duration of use of the denture, fixed prosthesis is always to maintain good function and satisfactory repair effect.

Two. Health care measures

1. Adhere to brush your teeth is an effective way to maintain oral and denture cleaning. Fixed partial dentures can not remove the cleaning brush your teeth to remove tartar and dental calculus deposition, to prevent bad breath and gum from the protection and the role of massage to promote periodontal tissue blood circulation and improve their resistance to diseases and can increase appetite, reduce the mouth as a causal factor.

2. The right choice toothbrush and using the correct method of brushing. The correct brushing method of vertical brush force should be the appropriate action can not be too fast; you can achieve the purpose of massage gums and will not damage the teeth and gums.

3. Mouthwash is a necessary complement to brush your teeth, maintain oral hygiene. As one of the complementary method of brushing teeth, gargle easy and the current rush to massage the gums.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Cobalt-chromium alloy porcelain teeth good?

Porcelain teeth, a dental prosthesis is currently very popular, and it helps a lot of tooth loss in patients with a friend to regain a healthy white teeth. A type of porcelain teeth, cobalt chromium alloy porcelain tooth is one of them.

The most popular method is the treatment of tooth defects porcelain teeth, porcelain teeth, is a relative in the oral long-term retention and difficult saliva corrosion of dental restorations. Will not hurt the teeth, can restore the teeth in the chewing function. Many different types of porcelain teeth, metal porcelain teeth, within the crown porcelain teeth, cobalt chrome, porcelain teeth. According to the comprehensive reference of the costs, effectiveness, security, cobalt chromium alloy porcelain teeth is a very high cost.

The advantages of cobalt chromium alloy porcelain teeth mainly due to:

1. Realistic appearance: the color of the teeth after the treatment and true tooth color, and permanent discoloration, outsiders with real teeth. Does not lead to a class of black gum line.

2. Wide: it is suitable for various are not satisfied with teeth, such as: too loose teeth, broken teeth, missing teeth and so this method to make up.

3. Biocompatibility: does not irritate in the treatment of oral tissues, easy to clean, good biocompatibility, is generally not allergic organization.

4. High intensity: the cobalt-chromium alloy porcelain teeth are semi-precious metal porcelain teeth, high hardness of the cobalt and chromium alloy porcelain teeth. Can have sufficient strength to withstand the force of chewing mouth and dental equipment wear.

5 Affordable: the price is relatively cheaper metal and word porcelain teeth, has been accepted by more and more people.

In addition, the price of cobalt chromium alloy porcelain teeth is relatively modest; but to do the technical and professional requirements of porcelain teeth are Teeth whitening technologies are the technical advantages very high, and should go to a professional formal Dental Clinic. Do not formal diagnosis and treatment institutions for treatment, in order to avoid lay hidden dangers to our security.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Occlusal design of the dental implant rehabilitation program

Difference due to the presence of structural features of the implant denture with natural teeth, implant restoration of the occlusal design should take into account many factors.

Bite design bite force related to the implant size and conduction direction, in principle, be transmitted to the implant restoration bite force on the body control in patients with stomatognathic system able to withstand the physiological limits, and try to avoid the role of the lateral force.

Biomechanical study on bone tissue: to withstand the strongest bone of the axial load, the tension, shear force, poor endurance, reduced to 30%, 60%;

Compressive strength and tensile strength limit of the bone will be reduced as the power angle increases, the compressive strength and tensile strength of 300 of the lateral force can bone decreased by 10% and 25%, 600 decreased by 30% and 55% respectively;

The lateral force on the one hand weaken the mechanical properties of bone tissue, on the other hand, significantly increased the shear stress and tensile stress, a threat to the dental instruments weak integration between the implant and the bone. Using the finite element method for measuring the lateral force can shear stress and tensile stress increased by 10 times.

Occlusal design in terms of the bite force of the size of the implant and Orthodontics to bypass the "myths" to go conduction direction should be done to reduce the axial force and the elimination of lateral forces.

The patient's jaw reconstruction involves the location of the implant and natural teeth implant number, length, angle, diameter, and repair of the way.

Occlusal design principles are: 1. Establish a stable middle of the jaw, the bilateral contact relationship of jaw to establish the maximum tip nest, as far as possible bite force for the axial, reduce the angle of the lateral stress. Two. Mandibular occlusal freedom without deflection to the side and protrusive movement. 3. To establish the middle of the free domain, and the receding contact (RCP) and the cusp intercostals position (ICP) is consistent.

Teeth whitening there are two errors

Misunderstanding one: for whitening harm the teeth.
Pursuit of the beautiful appearance of the teeth and bring irreversible damage to the tooth itself can be said that oral health care a top regret. Take the "tetracycline", at this stage, many clinics have also taken to the crown finely ground, then put on the practice of a porcelain crown, the tooth is pretty, but over time will be revealed. Have been okay with finely ground the teeth tend to become sensitive, fragile, porcelain crowns, metal parts are easy to stimulate the gums, so that black gums, shrinking.

Experts recommend the use of 3D white patch. This is the most safe and natural teeth whitening methods. 3D white patch after a few computer simulation, first the tooth surface friction out a thin layer, then use the 3D camera image in the mouth, carved out of teeth worn part is completely consistent with the artificial enamel restorations will this layer of the white patch embedded dental instruments in the original teeth, so that the pure white patch with teeth combined.

Misunderstanding two: dental amalgam and other materials.

Cavities patched with silver amalgam, in fact, such materials have been eliminated in developed countries. Amalgam color pretty, most of the repair, the following dental defect and the posterior region of the amalgam can not be generated with the teeth closely integrated easily lead to secondary caries and intensity shortcomings, heavy metals but also on the body negative impact. More than half or more teeth defect repair worn more natural teeth, making the braces. In recent years, widespread use of ceramic materials is the ceramic powder at high temperatures barbecue, rapid cooling from the drawback is hard and brittle, easy to crack and color, easy to damage the teeth with bite. This is a compressed ceramic powder vacuum firing porcelain material, which after a slow cooling, and NO extraction can quickly correct deformities teeth its density is uniform, not easily cracked, good transparency, and repaired to make the teeth look very natural. After ten years of clinical experience in a foreign country that, up to 98% of the wear degrees and the natural tooth enamel.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

White enamel hardness decline

A new study shows that the use of home teeth whitening products make people's enamel hardness decreased. According to the person in charge of the study, said Shereen Azer, assistant professor of prosthodontics, Ohio State University, USA, whitening of teeth, enamel hardness by an average of 1.2 to 2 nanometers. Teeth whitening products contain different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or car amide peroxide; they produce free radicals that attack the enamel integral part of the pigment molecules, so as to achieve the whitening effect.

Azer said that some research trying to figure out the impact of the teeth whitening products on enamel hardness, but study results are inconclusive. He added that, prior to the micron level, the scholars in the reduced enamel hardness, and he used in the study nonsocial. In the study, he removed teeth whitening paste and bay filled with whitening gum, and use of atomic force microscope to observe the teeth on the nanometer scale. A different product for tooth hardness and dental instruments elastic modulus change is roughly the same. However, single and single-bay there are significant differences reduce the hardness of enamel, single bracket than single-whitening paste whitening paste.

Although the study did not rise the hardness recovery whitening teeth, but Azer noted that the large number of studies has shown that fluoride treatment can promote the re-mineralization of enamel. According to the results of the study, he suggested that the new teeth whitening products in the future there should be improved in an effort to Fixed dentures and denture relative to comparative advantage reduce the occurrence of these side effects. The enamel is the hardest structure of the human body. Teeth whitening products may weaken this natural barrier.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening is a bleaching effect of a higher concentration of bleach (hydrogen peroxide), with an appropriate dose of the laser, such as Nd: YAG laser, catalytic peroxide to increase and accelerate the peroxides and selective the role of the pigment particles deposited on the teeth, the tooth within the organic pigment bleaching their loved ones by the carbon ring structure water-based pigment-free structure.

Tooth structure suction Everbrite molecules break into small molecules, eliminating the absorbance, and safe whitening efficacy.

Appropriate doses of laser irradiation can be closed dentinal tubules, reducing dentin permeability, reducing the symptoms of dentine dental instruments hypersensitivity occurred in the tooth bleaching process.


Condenser results in the laser teeth whitening a large range of radiation, high temperature, a slight mistake on the tooth nerve, the teeth surrounding tissue is likely to cause injuries. Therefore best to choose the more secure the teeth whitening methods.