Thursday, 30 August 2012

How to make naughty children with treatment?

As we all know, is the most troublesome in contact with pediatric patients, behaved with special here do not have representation, and powerful, but very troublesome to someone who resentment. Our clinical work, how to eliminate their negative emotions?

First of all, we have to understand why they have to fear, in the conversation, do not suddenly cut to the chase, you can start with the topic they are interested in starting, such as the kids like to watch cartoons, playing toys through conversation can and they talk to dental instruments their class, such as their teachers and classmates. Often when we really like friends and talk to them, they are very happy and content, we have to pay attention to the tone of the conversation.

When they see you as one of us, as a buddy of childhood, in their heart of hearts you have accepted this time, we can slowly history, and pay attention to their facial expressions, and in general when it comes to bad treatment history will there are some slight pain expression. Understand the reasons, combined with his condition, told they do not deal with the consequences, and How to overcome tooth sensitivity at the same time can be given a proper commitment, but also to solve the problem of treatment with children feisty psychological, with the majority of these encouraging language can be treated very well, but the process is very long, be patient.

Encounter a small part indeed timid and stubborn child, after the above method still can not be effective, had to enforce smaller and bigger so that parents continue to persuasion and education, had to wait and wait until they stand the pain requested treatment. No matter to encounter what circumstances, none of us can be used abusive language and tone, as much as possible, do not give them a bad impression.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The relationship between the teeth and the disease

Sick teeth, not the other parts of your body, there are health risks? The experts pointed out that the addition will lead to bad breath, gingivitis, tooth decay, loose teeth and loss and other dental brushing is not complete, but also may be induced by the following seven diseases.

1. Physiological dysfunction
India found a new study involving 70 men, men more unhealthy teeth, the more severe erectile dysfunction (ED). They believe that dental problems will lead to reduce nitric oxide necessary for transporting oxygen in the blood, thus causing insufficient blood supply to the penis, resulting in ED.

2. Pregnancy difficulties
Australian researchers found that lead to dental bacteria can also cause inflammation of the wall of the uterus, resulting in pregnancy for at least two months later. Dental close relationship with preterm birth and abortion.

3. Bronchitis
A new study found that respiratory tract infections and dental association. History of bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, dental problems are more serious.

4. Arthritis
German researchers found that patients with rheumatoid joints chance to dental health by 8 times.

5. Alzheimer's disease
Dental problems will increase the risk of dementia. Columbia University researcher’s survey found that over 60 years old have dental problems or dental instruments tooth loss participants were more prone to memory problems.

6. Diabetes
Dental will increase type 2 diabetes, the disease. Analysis of the results of seven studies of the Edinburgh researchers found that treatment of dental, reduce gingivitis and help to Pale yellow teeth healthy reduce the risk of eye disease and other complications of diabetes.

7. Heart disease
Dental causes coronary heart disease risk is doubled. Scotland found a study involving 1,100 people, less than twice daily brushing will also increase the risk of heart disease.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

How long to wash your teeth is the most appropriate?

Only know that scaling is good for teeth, but not to wash your teeth can make teeth permanently maintain a healthy, but not often scaling, then, how long to wash your teeth the most appropriate it?

This problem is in fact scaling, not to say that the short time between your teeth cleaned can make the teeth stay healthy, not to say that the number the better scaling for six months to a year to wash the most appropriate, because by regularly cleaning teeth, not only can completely remove tartar, stains and can not clean to the site, and periodontal tissue to maintain a healthy, while scaling is also an effective means for the treatment of bleeding gums.

But scaling is not the more the better, the interval period should not be too short, six months to a year to wash once is enough, to dental instruments avoid damaging the teeth. Hissed between calculus was washed off, washing teeth will feel between the teeth is relatively large, but after teeth will slowly looks neat, to fill these slits.

If too frequent, and more than a self-adapt cycle teeth become large hissed. In addition, the use of ultrasonic vibration crushed tooth surface plaque, dental calculus, ultrasonic scaling law of the pigment contact drill hardness is very particular, a short period of time several times too What are the complications of implant denture roughing teeth, but will outweigh the benefits. But also in the formal Dental Hospital to scaling.

Friday, 24 August 2012

What is the relationship between pulpitis and periodontitis?

Pulpitis and periodontitis are two different nature of the disease, but the anatomical structure of the teeth decided they affect each other, reinforce each other. A narrow holes, called the apical foramen apical teeth, dental pulp, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic mainly by the apical foramen periodontal tissue contact. In addition, there are some channels, such as teeth and neck exposed dentinal tubules, vice root canal root above and lateral branch root canal and periodontal tissue.

When the teeth occur periodontitis, periodontal pocket bacteria and their toxins and inflammatory products through the apical foramen, the side vice root canal tooth neck exposed dentinal tubules invade the pulp tissue caused by pulpitis. Periodontitis arrived from the periodontal ligament to the pulpal vascular disruption and destruction, pulp necrosis due to nutritional disorders. Of periodontal atrophy as well as the formation of periodontal pockets to root exposed to the oral cavity, pulp more susceptible to dental instruments stimulation occurs pulpitis or pulp affect the occurrence of root caries.

When pulp inflammation, bacteria and toxins can also pipe along the apical foramen and lateral collateral canal and dentine affect periodontal tissue caused by the destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone absorption and formation of periodontitis. Root canal bacterial toxins and inflammatory products can also directly stimulate the periapical tissue inflammation, the purulent secretions towards the gingival sulcus row overflow, alveolar bone destruction, periodontal pocket formation, resulting in the so-called periodontitis. So, pulpitis can cause periodontitis; conversely, periodontitis can What steps do dental implants cause pulpitis.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

What is a dental root canal treatment?

Tooth root canal treatment commonly known is blocking teeth. Dental root canal treatment is a "save the tooth engineering. The dentist will teeth, pulp necrosis nerves, blood vessels withdrawn with a fine instrument, fill out and then filling the hollow pulp, and then, with fillings materials sealed it. Root canal treatment is a course of treatment for the teeth, dental pulp, and dental instruments apical lesions. Root canal therapy is appropriate disinfection by removing necrotic material within the root canal, root canal filling to remove the negative stimulus of the contents of the root canal apical surrounding tissue to prevent the occurrence of periapical lesions or promote periapical a lesion healing treatments.

Tooth root canal treatment aims to make the tooth no longer inflamed and the pain so that it can continue to play its proper function, such as cutting, grinding food What factors influence fixed denture retention, dental root canal treatment indications include: 1. Very deep cavities. 2. Periodontal disease affecting the tooth. 3. Pulp wearing teeth. 4. No teeth of Life. 5. Broken teeth. 6. Severe abrasion of teeth.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The advantages and disadvantages of the fixed partial denture


First. Fixed partial denture supported by enough to rely on real teeth, denture suffered bite force real teeth spread periodontal tissue the chewiness approximation wearing natural teeth.

Second. Fixed partial denture is small in size, so the recovery forms like the original missing teeth, wearing comfortable, and no foreign body sensation.

Third. Fixed denture stability in use, support, and stability in masticatory function the same bit, so chewing efficiency.

Fourth. Worn with a fixed partial denture, tongue dysfunction, not hinder pronunciation.


First. The patient can not pluck denture cleaning, so the design must ensure that the denture has good self-cleaning and cleaning easy mouth; otherwise, are prone to secondary caries or dental instruments periodontal disease.

Second. Production, more due to wear the incisors body tissue, the patient will have the discomfort. Therefore, require the patient with the various technical operations and can withstand the production process in the oral cavity.

Third. Difficult to remove after fixed denture cement, denture damage or changes in circumstances additional oral design is often to be removed after the redo.

Fourth. The higher cost of fixed partial denture.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Which type of dental implant materials is better?

The dental implant materials used in dental implant materials titanium, coated with titanium or titanium alloy substrate. The physical and chemical property of titanium is light, stainless steel and high strength, good processability with that. Wide range of applications of titanium in medical care such as artificial bones and joints, heart valves, cardiac pacemakers, dental implants, and so on.

Titanium dental implant materials with semiconductor; low modulus of elasticity similar to bone, can produce resonance; its good wear resistance, corrosion resistance, is formed on the surface oxide film, oxidation resistance at room temperature stability, air heated to dental instruments intense oxidation above 800 degrees; good biocompatibility, no side effects of non-toxic, non-magnetic, without stimulation, in vivo stability; wetting, and not attached to organic matter. Has a good application prospect.

Dental implant materials have a lot of corresponding price will be different; you can choose your own dental implant materials. But we must note: to How to prevent a rebound after orthodontic the regular medical facility for treatment, doctors skills, you have a perfect effect, but also the assurance of safety.

Friday, 17 August 2012

How to correct teeth gaps big trouble?

Tooth gap is very large impact of the daily diet, tooth gap food left in the tooth gap, rely on a toothpick to remove residue in the tooth gap, is neither good-looking and may not have removed a clean, how to correct teeth gaps of trouble?

Tooth gap large correction

The tooth gap is growing: teeth long-term impaction of food, food embedded in the tooth gap, compression of the gum tissue, can occur in the gingival papilla necrosis, thereby increasing the tooth gap. May also be caused by periodontitis alveolar bone resorption, resulting in loose teeth. It is easy to inflammation of the gingival papilla, once the inflammation, it is easy bleeding, each gingival papilla from inflammatory to anti-inflammatory process should be necrotic, each shedding is necessary to dental instruments reduce the height of the gingival papillae. Person's lifetime, the number of necrotic gingival papillae, gingival papilla little by little to reduce its height, will be increasing tooth gap.

Orthodontics is one of the better methods of Orthodontics is to arrange the disorder orthodontic neat, to improve the facial profile, with a beautiful smile. Orthodontics is by adjusting the tooth gap tooth rearrange the tooth space of this phenomenon is able to do well resolve. The orthodontic solve tooth space, not only do not harm the teeth, leaving no trace after the correction is indeed an excellent means to deal with the tooth gap.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

How to care for orthodontics?

1. Attention to oral hygiene, people need to wear active appliance or fixed appliance orthodontic process, so that is not conducive to the maintenance of oral hygiene. So people must pay attention to oral hygiene, cleaning, especially the fixed appliance, the appliance cementation can not remove brushing teeth, food debris around the appliance most likely to exist, if people do not pay attention to the cleaning of health, on will be likely to cause a large number of bacteria. Thereby affecting the orthodontic effect. Therefore, it is to cultivate the good habit of brushing teeth after meals and brushing time of not less than five minutes.

2. Diet, people in the process of orthodontic terms of diet is best to pay attention, try to avoid eating some excellent food, excellent food easily damaged parts of the appliance, make orthodontic treatment interruption, it is possible to extend the orthodontic treatment time. In addition, in order to dental instruments prevent tooth decay, it is best to eat some sweets.

3. Wear the retainer after the success of braces, is not so fine, also need to wear a retainer for some time, and also regular follow, so they can keep the effect of orthodontic, in order to avoid recurrence.

4. The process of regular follow, orthodontics need to What are the benefits of straightening teeth with braces constantly augmented, so as to move the teeth, in order to achieve the desired results.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Buck teeth corrected expensive?

Contact people around us, there is no lack of friends with buck teeth, buck teeth greatly affect the shape because buck teeth they live is not smooth, thus affecting the circle of life. Orthodontics can be very effective to improve buck teeth buck teeth, it correction expensive? On this issue, we have to consult the experts of the Dental Hospital to see if an expert is how to answer.

Buck teeth corrected expensive? Price for buck teeth correction, the doctor's explanation orthodontics Orthodontic program of the mouth of everyone to everyone, promotes personalized orthodontics. General factors affecting the price are as follows:

1. Orthodontic methods of teeth: orthodontic methods, the choice of different methods, the price is not the same at this stage, the most expensive orthodontic invisible orthodontic methods, and more applications is relatively invisible braces; invisible correction is a new three-dimensional computer technology, tailor-made a series of nearly undetectable transparent denture to dental instruments complete the entire orthodontic treatment. Meet the adult appearance of appliance, does not affect work, social

2. Correction of the length of time: orthodontics for adults than young people orthodontic time long, natural cheap price; if adult orthodontics, and to bring at least 2023 crowns, general orthodontics price is relatively high, depending on the situation may be!

3. Oral conditions: this is another factor to affect the correction of progress, many patients because there is a serious oral problems, it is bound to How to do early childhood tooth decay accept oral appliances before oral problems to solve.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Those suitable for root canal treatment?

Suitable for root canal treatment are the following:

1. Including dental caries, cracked, crown fracture, deformity central tip, excessive wear, periodontal disease retrograde infection, an accident caused by dental pulp pulpitis and pulp necrosis can not keep living marrow.

2. Causes of physical and chemical pulp apical infection, such as filling the bottom of the poor temperature caused by the pulp stimulus, different metals, electrical stimulation, and dental instruments drug-induced apical endodontic treatment process go far.

3. Including pulpitis continue to develop, the mummified the plasticized treatment failure, periodontitis retrograde infection caused by the periapical lesion.

4. The pulp of the unknown causes of degenerative change in the absorption, such as root canals and How long is the typical lifespan of porcelain teeth pulp stone caused by the pathological changes of pulp.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

The elderly in a timely manner fillings better health

Dental caries and periodontal disease is the main reason for the elderly with missing teeth. Elderly missing teeth fillings not only impede the eating, is not conducive to health longevity, hazardous to health.

When more missing teeth, can significantly affect the masticatory function of the elderly. Eat into the digestion of food depends mainly on the gastrointestinal burden. Missing teeth and more elderly people, the lack of chewing ability, loss of delicious food to enjoy and taste the fun. Chewing ability was significantly diminished and had to emphasis to eat softer foods, thereby reducing the number of fresh vegetables and fruits to eat are prone to inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals. Daily dietary fiber intake reduced, older people make secret.

Chewing food can stimulate the salivary glands, increase appetite. Excessive tooth loss and daily diet to softer, which is one of the reasons for loss of appetite in the elderly. The elderly too many missing teeth also affect the pronunciation of the language, which require the change of tongue movement and jaw position to dental instruments assist the speech pronunciation.

In addition, not timely teeth, missing teeth at both sides of the teeth, the course of time will tilt to the void spaces of missing teeth, leading to malocclusion of the upper and lower teeth. Side of the teeth to chew, will add to the burden of this side of the temporomandibular joint, and over time can cause temporomandibular joint disorder, in front of the ear pain when chewing and snapping.

What circumstances can not do dental implants?

The dental implant is the best restorations in edentulous patients, but not everyone is suitable for dental implant, dental implant can not do under what circumstances?

1. Suffering from chronic wasting diseases such as tuberculosis, diabetes, hemophilia, blood disease, in patients with advanced tumors, or patients undergoing radiation therapy.

2. Suffering from mental illness, unstable psychological quality.

3. Suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease, hemiplegic, cerebral vascular disease, can not afford the infirm of the alveolar surgery.

4. Drug addiction, alcoholism, serious mentally debilitating, physical.

Implant Surgery Contraindications Relative contraindications and absolute contraindications, and repair of dental implant for patients with reversible disease, can still be dental instruments controlled by treatment or cure.

Dental implant since the invention of the sixties, the technology is already very mature, and therefore a very high success rate and durability, according to the study of the Swedish scholar, thousands of artificial implant patients, under normal use, after 20 to Thirty years later, only a handful of people need to disconnect the small number of implants is a very reliable treatment of missing teeth. The dental implant is very similar to natural teeth, so do oral hygiene and How long will it take time to do orthodontics regular inspection, dental implants will be able to accompany you through the long process of life.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

You will identify the quality of porcelain teeth?

Inlaid porcelain teeth for many people, more and stranger, not to mention the price high and low ranges, species are vastly different. Most people are listening to a doctor or an acquaintance introduced to treat, much less identify the porcelain teeth are good or bad. In order to let the more porcelain teeth customers understand the porcelain teeth, oral porcelain dental experts teach you the recipe, identification of superiority and inferiority of porcelain teeth.

To see the edge of the porcelain teeth

The accuracy of the edge of the porcelain teeth, to identify the merits of porcelain teeth most fundamental and important a criterion, is also a more problematic. Accuracy reflected in the joints between the ceramic crowns and teeth, gaps as small as possible, otherwise the bacteria into lead the caries of the teeth within the fracture, resulting in repair failure. The gap in the gum below, usually in patients with neglect. This gap will accompany the porcelain teeth for life, and to determine the fate of the natural teeth. This is also the key to test the doctor technical level, the technical content of the highest place, every step of the treatment process to dental instruments affect the accuracy of porcelain teeth.

Look at the porcelain teeth color

Porcelain crown color and soft, not the whiter the better. In order to cover the crown color of the metal, there must be a certain thickness of the ceramic layer. Often porcelain thicker, the better the aesthetic effect. Clinical lack of teeth to prepare, it is easy to porcelain teeth were chalky or dull, hypertrophy. But in pursuit of the aesthetic effect, teeth grinding caused by the exposure of the tooth nerve in addition to excessive and easy, at the same time the possibility of breakage increased. It is necessary to Why is the dental implant to repair teeth the best grasp the precise tooth preparation techniques, both to ensure adequate porcelain thickness does not damage the tooth nerve.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

What are the hazards of buckteeth?

Buck teeth is dental anomalies, showing of teeth before the sudden, gums exposed to excessive smiling, buck teeth not only affect a person's appearance, but also affect a person's oral and physical health.

First. Baoya local dangers:

1. Affect craniofacial development: the process of child growth and development, buck teeth will affect the maxillofacial hard and soft tissues of normal development. Jaw not treated under the arch to limit the development of the premaxillary, while the lower jaw there is no coordination between the upper and lower dental arch and over-forward development, so the formation of the 1/3 of the face of depression and jaw protrusion deformities such as anterior crossbite With the Malocclusion serious face showing the crescent shaped face.

2. Affect the oral health: buck teeth difficult to self-cleaning of dental caries and dental instruments gum periodontal disease, often due to tooth dislocation caused by periodontal damage.

3. Oral function: serious Baoya can affect the normal oral function, such as anterior open jaw cause pronunciation disorder, severe jaw shrinkage normal breathing.

4. Facial appearance: buck teeth Malocclusion can affect facial appearance, can present open-lip grin, bimaxillary protrusion, on the chin or short chin deformity.

Second. Baoya systemic harm: buck teeth not only harm caused the edentulous craniofacial the local and systemic harm caused as a result of chewing function to Blind whitening teeth bad teeth reduce indigestion and gastrointestinal disease, In addition, because facial deformity for the patient can cause serious psychological and mental disorders.