Thursday 9 August 2012

Those suitable for root canal treatment?

Suitable for root canal treatment are the following:

1. Including dental caries, cracked, crown fracture, deformity central tip, excessive wear, periodontal disease retrograde infection, an accident caused by dental pulp pulpitis and pulp necrosis can not keep living marrow.

2. Causes of physical and chemical pulp apical infection, such as filling the bottom of the poor temperature caused by the pulp stimulus, different metals, electrical stimulation, and dental instruments drug-induced apical endodontic treatment process go far.

3. Including pulpitis continue to develop, the mummified the plasticized treatment failure, periodontitis retrograde infection caused by the periapical lesion.

4. The pulp of the unknown causes of degenerative change in the absorption, such as root canals and How long is the typical lifespan of porcelain teeth pulp stone caused by the pathological changes of pulp.

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