What are the harmful effects of early loss of deciduous teeth?
Premature loss of deciduous teeth, mostly because parents do not pay attention to the protection of your child's teeth, so that the child did not receive timely treatment of dental problems. Some parents think that deciduous teeth are temporary, not bad governance, the future can also be pulled teeth, but teeth have not yet returned to the stage, pulling a lot of harm will have. Premature loss of deciduous teeth adjacent teeth can shift to the short gap, the smaller the gap of missing teeth, resulting in permanent teeth because of not enough space but not out long, or from the buccal or lingual side of the shade of dislocation.
In the deciduous tooth roots due to constant development, normal shedding of deciduous teeth, permanent teeth have erupted in the deciduous site. Such as early loss of deciduous teeth, permanent teeth can cause early sprouting, early eruption of permanent teeth, Dental Instruments more root growth is not good, or no roots, so the formation of dental pulp infection is easy to fall off prematurely. Most early loss of deciduous molars, can not chew on that side, caused the ipsilateral jaw due to lack of long-term non-use development. Due to the back teeth and with no front teeth when chewing, a long time to form mandibular prognathism and anti-jaw deformity, it should cause parents to pay attention. Bad teeth to provide timely treatment, it should not prematurely pulled, teeth should be kept to the returned period.
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