Monday, 28 November 2011

What are the benefits of pure titanium denture

Titanium can make crowns, bridges and dentures of stents. And compared to conventional dental metals, titanium has excellent physical and chemical properties, good biocompatibility, specific gravity, corrosion resistance, titanium artificial bone, artificial joints, cardiac pacemakers, artificial teeth, etc. has been widely used clinical. In addition to the use of titanium dentures made ​​affinity with excellent organization, it also has the following advantages:

Weight: a small proportion of titanium, gold alloy which is the proportion of 1 / 4, cobalt-chromium alloy, 1 / 2, and thus the production of pure titanium denture will be lighter weight, the mouth can reduce the burden on the remaining tissue, both better comfort.

Hardness: between between the enamel and dentin, thus making use of pure titanium crowns, not too much wear on the jaw, natural teeth. With a titanium root dental instruments within the pile making nails, can make the stress in the root of more physiological mode of transmission, reducing the risk of root fracture.

Low thermal conductivity: made ​​with pure titanium crowns, can be better isolated from the hot and cold stimulation, help to protect the pulp, eating hot or cold food when not feeling pain.

Not interfere with taste: Titanium has good stability, there will be no metal in the mouth the taste of feeling, taste does not cause interference.

X-ray can be transmitted: Titanium on a semi-transmissive X-ray, wearing crowns made ​​of pure titanium, the X-line, you can check whether internal to the crown How is it Alveolar ridge atrophy caries, so early detection and early treatment, which is other metals used to make denture materials do not have the advantage.

Better compatibility with magnetic resonance: a non-paramagnetic metal titanium, cobalt chromium alloy with the commonly used nickel-chromium alloy compared to the MRI done, the resulting artifacts is extremely small, the impact of MRI is small. In most cases, doing the head MRI can not remove the titanium prosthesis.

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