Friday, 30 December 2011

How to care for all-ceramic dental needs

All-ceramic tooth because of its excellent quality and are more and more consumers, the effect of its excellent repair, is known as the classic beauty of teeth. Also called all-ceramic dental dentures are realistic color. All-ceramic materials have good biocompatibility, will not cause staining and gum allergy, no adverse effects on the human body, with the level of dental instruments technology continues to progress and people's living standards improve, more and more patients will choose the all-ceramic perfect teeth to restore their smile.

It is worth recalling that, do a full porcelain teeth, do not be careless, care is also very important. The following experts from the Dental Hospital Dental Center detail how to care for all-ceramic dental needs.

1. All-ceramic tooth wear, if there is inappropriate or mucous membrane caused by pain and oppression should be timely referral.

2. When all-ceramic tooth wear early mild discomfort, the patient should be patient and practice with, and gradually adapt; first all-ceramic dental wear should Three Mistakes of teeth whitening Note eat soft foods, adapt and then eat normal food.

3. Maintain oral hygiene, to develop the habit of brushing after meals.

4. Because the mill in addition to the amount of tooth structure is relatively large, the other all-ceramic crowns have a certain transparency, so if the color of the tooth itself heavier, will be revealed after the insertion of the internal color, the best all-ceramic dental restorations for tooth itself larger defects vital teeth or tooth-colored post and core restoration of residual root.

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