Generally speaking, dental implant is not much age limit, young people can, the elderly can. Artificial teeth, dental implant, also known as planting, not really kind of natural teeth, but by medical means, compatibility with human bone after high-precision titanium metal design, manufacturing roots into a cylinder or other similar shape to the way minor surgical implantation dental instruments of edentulous ridge of the alveolar bone, after a 1 to 3 months later, when the artificial teeth and alveolar bone close together, and then in the production of porcelain crown on the implant.
Experts point out that dental implants, dental implant surgery is generally no special age limit, whether you are young or middle-aged and even elderly people can receive dental implant surgery, however, age of patients is too small, bones, teeth not fully developed shape, not suitable for implant restoration. Circumstances vary, so before doing implants should first make a formal oral What is secret for you a common complication of dental implant examination of the hospital, to make their dental implant treatment more secure. In other countries had successfully planted 80 years old denture cases. But do dental implant is a precondition, that is, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and other chronic diseases common in the elderly have been well controlled, but also to ensure that no oral inflammation, mucosal disease.
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