Between the teeth in children between 6-9 years old, often a gap and become more sparse. Temporary physiological clearance for this gap, the gap there is very favorable for the upcoming eruption of the larger permanent teeth to replace the shedding of deciduous teeth eruption, is conducive to the permanent teeth have adequate location arranged in neat rows, tooth replacement is completed and established a new occlusion, the gap is more than will disappear naturally. If the permanent teeth arranged in sparse joints need to determine the reasons, one reason the shape of the permanent teeth small, conical teeth or too small teeth; the other is the existence of congenital missing teeth by orthodontic or repair method to close the gap.
Congenital missing teeth, the number of teeth can be divided into individual missing teeth and some missing teeth and full mouth of missing teeth. Congenital missing teeth and more related to genetic, it could be early embryonic exposure to hazardous substances affect the results. Individual teeth and masticatory function, dental arch shape, beautiful little effect, you can not deal with;, the large number of missing teeth can be considered a denture repair, restore chewing function and dental instruments esthetics at the same time, promote the collar bone, muscle and the development of the face, but prosthesis must be with the child's growth and development and constantly changing.
Congenital absence of permanent tooth germ, deciduous preservation or removal of becoming more cautious and difficult. When the permanent teeth arranged in more crowded, there is no inheritance of the permanent teeth of primary teeth can be removed to provide adequate space What is the adhesive fixed partial denture in crowded permanent teeth arranged in neat rows; retention of deciduous teeth when permanent teeth arranged in sparse, the gap g foot, it can keep in order to maintain the integrity of teeth columns and masticatory function.
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