Extraction is the most commonly used dental treatment technology. Can cause local tissue damage due to tooth extraction, causing bleeding, swelling, pain and other reactions, can also lead to fluctuations in blood pressure, body temperature, pulse. After tooth extraction when brushing?
In general, pull the tooth extraction wound just healing, when the local fibroblasts just returned from the alveolar wall to clot extension growth, in general, within 24 hours after the teeth generally do not gargle, but do not You can dental instruments brush your teeth.
In addition attention should be paid not commonly used tongue licking wounds or sucking wounds, to prevent damage caused by infection of the wound, or Invisible Orthodontics what are the characteristics blood clot breaks loose on the wound, the affect the coagulation process, resulting in continuous bleeding. Eager mouth brush your teeth, it is possible to rinse out the blood clot, washed off and cause bleeding, or cause the teeth to nest empty result of the pain of dry socket, to extend the recovery time.
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