Sunday, 25 March 2012

Reset and scaling of the tooth socket after tooth extraction

After tooth extraction socket reset can help reduce the formation of blood clots and reduce the probability of bacterial infection. Reset to the expansion of the alveolar bone shrinks rapidly, the formation of cohesion of wound edge, reduced bleeding, promote clotting.

The clot can block the dental instruments invasion of oral conditions harmful pathogenic bacteria. Reset is also conducive to the stability of the alveolar bone to create a favorable condition for the future set complex. After tooth scaling can effectively remove the apical parts of the granulation and inflammatory tissue is conducive to clear the debris and alveolar bone of the tooth debris, especially when you pull and root, in order to avoid the formation of surface periodontal mucosal healing and alveolar chronic inflammation within the bone and the formation of a fistula long-term The front teeth opening and closing of Knowledge Lecture secretion of inflammatory exudation. Inflammatory granulation removal can also cause dental extraction wounds prolonged bleeding. Pull and root or the removal of apical inflammation teeth plundered tooth socket.

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